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We help you to improve your business processes by simplifying them, reducing bureaucracy, and integrating them into a lean and easy-to-use system; we can also help you gain ISO 9001 registration.

The business processes (or quality management system) and the procedures and business systems that manage your operations are critical to your efficiency and effectiveness.

We help you to make them leaner and more efficient so that there is less wasted time and effort, reduced bureaucracy, and the company becomes an agile enterprise that is better able to adapt to its changing commercial environment.

We have a uniquely pragmatic, light, low-bureaucracy and easy to set up approach to business process and system improvement.

We simplify your processes, remove gaps and correct shortcomings, and integrate them into a lean and easy-to-use system that enables you to work more efficiently and frees up your resources to focus on more strategically critical activities.

ISO 9001

Many companies are required by their markets or customers to have registration to the ISO 9001 quality management standard.

Far from being a millstone round their necks, a simple, efficient, low-bureaucracy system that conforms to ISO 9001 can be a real benefit to the organisation, not merely a qualifier for doing business.

Off the shelf solutions don’t work because every company is unique and needs working practices that reflect their own business culture and market sector.

We can ensure that your business system or quality management system is designed to meet your specific needs – and becomes registered to ISO 9001 – quickly and cost-effectively.

See the ‘Grow you own’ box and the case study (on the right).

Manufacturing Operations systems and tools

We can help you to implement and improve manufacturing operations and materials management systems, again in a light, effective, and pragmatic way.

These systems enable you to accurately plan and expedite purchasing and manufacturing whilst minimising stockholding and waste and reducing cost.

We can assess and select a new system with you and help to put it in, or can work with your existing system and extend it to provide material requirements planning and manufacturing capabilities (MRP). We can train your staff in its use and can align your management and business quality processes with it.  

We have worked with accounting systems such as Sage MMS and 200 all the way up to the largest Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, and have added the bespoke reports and tools that your staff need. See the case study (on the right).

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Working with you to build a better business.

Business processes and systems

Rod Parker and Tom Gaskell have written two papers on implementing cost-effective ISO 9001 quality systems in-house... with a little help.

request copies »

Grow your own quality system

  Further information

Case study – implementing a material and manufacturing control system. more »

Case study – implementing an ISO 9001 quality management system. more »

Quality Management System Material planning